Saturday, November 17, 2007

Do you believe in UFO's?

Hmmmm i was just browsing Youtube and i thought about all this conversation that US congress is talking about. UFO's and ect ect...

The Greatest Denied UFO Story:

look at this clip and give me your thoughts..

Now Look at the Japanese News channel, they actually Slow the footage up...


Chris M. said...

I don't know much about UFO's, but I do know that man cannot be the only intelligent species in the universe. Heres a thought: Each galaxy (our Milky Way) was created with a single inhabitable planet (Earth). Each of these life-sustainable planets has their one species of intelligent life. The ultimate goal of each intelligent species is to make contact with the others. We will eventually see real UFOs containing real aliens, either peaceful or not.

Rolgunz1018 said...

Peep this little homie~... I said do you believe in UFO's?.. (Unidentified flying objects) i didn't say Do you believe in Aliens Lol....

My Music

The Further down you go tracks 1 - 25... the older the beat is..